Power of ONE
We have a popular saying that Little Drops of Water Make the Mighty Ocean.That much is the power of one drop. Cause one single droplet has all the properties of an entire ocean consisting in itself. That proves to us that Power of ONE is as great as Power of WHOLE.
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Power of ONE |
Most of us are content with daily routine of our life. In fact, at times we might even brag about our busy schedule without even trying to think out of the box.
We are so conditioned to think and plan our life in rigid ways that even if we wish to do something different, something selfless for others or for society at large, we automatically convince ourselves that we will do such work at some particular time in unseen future.
We immediately instruct ourselves that may be when we have enough money of our own or may be when we have enough time to do social work or may be when we have enough man power to support us, we will definitely do something good.
We restrict our own urge to do something for the society under the excuse of lack of free time or scarcity of funds. But we do not allow such limitations to hamper our spirit if we are trying to plan a holiday at well known expensive tourist spot or while buying luxury products for our comfort or even while planning a movie and night out just for an entertainment because we find it necessary as our right to live with better living standards.
But when it comes to serve our duties towards the society in which we live and flourish, we don’t consider it as mandatory.
Today I am going to write about one such man who didn’t use any excuses to pull himself back from doing something substantial with his time on this earth.
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One of a Kind |
He spent his entire adult life in planting trees which resulted in dense, full grown forest spread on 550 hectare of sandbar in the middle of the Brahmaputra.
His story started when he was just a teenager. It was 1979, when he was just 16 year old teenager, massive flood hit the region which caused wide spread destruction resulted in large number of dead snakes washed on to the sandbar which died due to the heat.
Jadav literally mourned over their dead bodies as they died just because of there were no trees to shelter them.
He informed about this to forest department and requested them to grow trees on that barren sandbar. They rejected his suggestion on account of that land being unable to grow anything. Instead they asked Jadav to try growing bamboo.
He was deeply disappointed with their attitude and indifference, but still accepted their suggestion and started growing bamboo.
He left his village, his education, his home and started living alone on the sandbar to take care of his trees day in and day out. He also put efforts to change the quality of soil, by transferring red ants from his village to sandbar which altered the properties of barren land.
He nurtured his bamboo trees and within few years successfully turned the sandbar into a thick bamboo grove which led him to decide to grow other types of trees.
And today, a SINGLE man’s determination and dedication, has resulted in nearly 1400 acres of forest consisting of variety of flora and fauna.
This forest has variety of several thousand trees and gives shelter to diversified wildlife. It has not just turned into a home to over hundreds of deer, apes, birds, rabbits, snakes but also became a secure place to live for endangered animals like rhino and royal bengal tiger.
It has been noticed that a herd of more than 100 elephants visits the forest regularly and also 5 tigers are living there.
Local people refer to this forest as “Molai kathoni” in Assamese which aptly means Molai's Forest.
Jadav still leads very humble life. He constructed a small house in the forest and lives with his family, comprising of his wife and three children.
He sells buffalo and cow milk to earn his livelihood. He loves and cares for trees and animals like his own children.
And even after 34 years of cultivating such a large forest single-handedly, he still has passion and enthusiasm left in him to start similar venture in new location at different region of the state if provided the Forest Department manages his forest in better way.
This was an inspirational story of an ordinary man with extra-ordinary spirit who no doubt has become a living legend, a true hero of our time.
Jadav Molai is the live example of what ONE can manifest with constructive thoughts and determined actions.
It is such a relief to witness that Real Heroes like Jadav Molai do exist in today’s self-centric world who lead their life as a mission working selflessly for society and environment.
Green Umbrella Organisation has faith in every single PERSON, just as religiously we believe in creational power of each SEED.
We strongly believe that each individual is a hidden Force which is needed to be discovered and utilized to the fullest.
Power of ALL is nothing but a multiplication of Power of ONE.
Just as easily Every Single SEED has potential to cover this entire earth with its existence, Every Single PERSON can also have power to change the face of this planet.
We, at Green Umbrella Organisation, appeal to each ONE of you to stand up for your right to have Greener Earth and own up to your responsibility for the same.
Support us in our Green Cause as....
.....Power of YOU alone is a Power of WE together.
(Thanking Mr. Will McMaster, the creator of above video "FOREST MAN", for allowing us to embed it on our blog.
Do join him at https://www.facebook.com/TheForestForTheTreesMovie )
- Jyoti Gangurde