Saturday, 30 March 2013

How and What You Can Contribute!

How and what you can contribute.

Green Umbrella Organisation dose not engage in just creating a hollow awareness but rather works towards environmental issues on ground level which leads us to face practical challenges to function properly on day to day basis.

We are in need of constant support and constructive help in various areas to be able to sustain and continue our work.

You can help us in many ways on different levels. You can choose from following list in which category you wish to render your help to us.

We believe that practical participation from masses on large scale will enable us to tackle with environmental issues faster than never before.

You can render your services to us to speed up our work.

1) You can support our project of “Adopt a Tree Baby” by buying a pack of seeds and donating those saplings back to us.

2) You can donate money if it is possible to you. Even if you can't donate yourself, you can help us to reach to donors. If you know people who are interested in supporting any social cause with finance, then you can inform them about our organisation and can inspire them to donate for our cause.  

3) We have to arrange trips to jungle just to collect seeds of indigenous trees. Many of these native trees are flourishing in city limits. And due to ignorance and unawareness of masses, every year lakhs of such seeds get wasted and end up in dustbins. 

If such trees are available in your society premise, in your farm house or in your area, you can invite us to collect seeds of those trees which will help us in great deal or you can do it on your own and can donate those collected seeds to us.

4) You can prepare fertilizer from daily waste material of vegetables at your house and can donate that quality fertilizer to our nursery where we grow saplings on regular basis for large scale plantation on public places.

If you wish you can learn from us how to prepare quality fertilizers at home. You can arrange our Presentation in your society. You can form a group of housewives, kitty party groups or student groups who can contribute in this cause right from their homes.

5) We need skilled people to work on different projects. If you are good at giving a presentation, speaking on public platforms then you can join us to create awareness.

We need such persons to conduct our Slide Show Presentation at schools, colleges, societies, corporate offices etc. 

6) If you own a commercial place, then you can help us to promote our project “Adopt a Tree Baby”. You can buy these packets in bulk from us and distribute them to people by selling at your place. 

Or at least you can promote our cause by showcasing our Posters at your commercial place. 

7) If you can stick our posters on your car, so that it can be promoted to lot of people on daily basis.

8) You can also showcase our posters on your society's Notice Board where many passer-by can view it. 

9) You can take an initiative and can form support groups in your locality, in your school or colleges.

These support groups of students, housewives, senior citizens can help us to spread awareness in local areas by introducing our various projects related to environment.

10) We are Thane based organization mostly known in suburbs of Mumbai and Thane. 

You can promote GUO by publishing information about our work in your local news papers if you have authority and resources to do so.

11) If you are able to find sponsors to help us financially, it will boost up our work and we will be able to take our cause on national level.

12) If you are working in schools or colleges and hold influential posts like teachers, principles or directors, then you can collaborate with us and introduce practical projects in your schools/colleges to educate students.

13) If you are a member of Parent Teacher Association in schools of your kids, then you can form a parents group who can take an initiative to introduce our projects to kids. 

14) We are in constant search of piece of land where we can implement various plans of plantation. 

We try to promote biodiversity by planting different sets of plants according to quality of land and climate.

We have variety of plans like Nakshatra-Van, Ayurvedic Garden, Butterfly Garden and Sparrow Garden etc. 

If you own large piece of land or you have authority over village community group, you can invite us to do plantation projects.

15) We have join hands with Swangvale Theater Group to spread the green message to young population of our country. We are looking forward to connect with Schools to arrange a show of our play. If you can help us to connect with school authorities, it will help us in  great deal. 

Please check about the play Rang Rangila Gittu Girgit on this page. 

Rang Rangila Gittu Girgit -

16) If every other thing mentioned above is beyond your limits, at least you can promote work of our NGO, our website in your personal social circle by mouth publicity or by using information technology.

You can promote us on Twitter, Facebook, Blogs and Emails etc.

There are many ways to contribute once your heart is filled with compassion towards our dying Mother Earth. 

It is high time that we all take responsibility and undone the atrocities we, the whole of humankind, did on this planet. Other living beings may not be as developed as humans are, but they are definitely not as cruel and as destructive as humankind is. In fact, they are more intelligent than us as they never harm trees or pollute water they survive on.

No animal or bird ever destroy Eco-system they live in. But we humans are so greedy and selfish that we are consuming natural resources for our own benefit without compensating with proper share back to nature to keep the balance. 

So wake up, it is in our hand what we wish to carry forward to our future generations. 

Waiting for your support... !

- Jyoti Gangurde

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